Oh Snap what to do!

I'm trying to keep this writing my daily thoughts down but work keeps getting in the way! How can I just keep an eye on the news I need to fuel my art when there is a no social web policy at work! I can't even go to google reader and star items for later, all I can do is walk around the build I work at and take down these notes and hope someone will want to watch my show later this week! Please watch "Oh Snap" to see me and my wife fight about if it's my house or her house!

Oh Snap I really don't give a...

I know this is not my normal tone in these blog posts but I'm so medicated rigt now! Allergies are just in full swing with no end in sight. It's like if some one tried to pinch my nose, kick me in the head and make me smoke a pack a day! So I'm just telling my allergies, " I really don't give a shit!" I'm going to be ok and I'll get better, maybe, I hope!
I hope I can do the show today in a medicated state that would make the show a great mismatch for random ramblings!

See y'all tonight!

Oh Snap what I would like!

Oh snap I've gotten into the habit of just taking my iPhone out and just typing on my notes app. This seems to help me collect my thoughts and focus on writing. Now of just putting my thoughts down I need to focus on writing stories that bring , you the reader news!
More to come, but until then, let's talk about a game I can't talk about.( still under NDA!)
I really like this game it has some if what WOW was missing! Like voice acting for everything and I mean everything! NPC's that you pass by just start talking it's great!
There is so much I can't say nut trust me the game with no name will be a good one!

Oh snap I'm ready to go home!

Sitting at work, trying to think of if to make, "Oh Snap!" a weekly or biweekly show! I can't produce this show sitting at my desk at work. I have tried to email myself stories, but that is the long way to do this. Yes I do use google reader and "star"stories but that doesn't help when my work browser is IE6!
Well I guess I can just write down what I'm thinking about and post it on my blog until I can get insync with my news collection process!
This post brought to you benadryl for spacing out my mind!! Peace all!!

Oh Snap I'm addicted to a game that is in beta?

That's right I've been beta testing a mmorpg that may or my not be released by the end if the year and I'm already showing signs of addiction for the game!
How am I hooked on an unfinished game, can this be the "superbeing" of games or am I just a mmorpg fiend!
Since the NDA has not been lifted I can only say more to come, and bring a towel!

Oh Snap Blogstar is dead

Well it's gone, been gone. I've been so busy with the band ( Alex Smith and the 2 Car Garage) that I didn't notice until I want to look at some old shows, they are all gone! Not a warning! So were does this blog focus now, I guess band road trips and stories!
So last week we played a show in a local museum, that use to be a high school! Talk about echo,echo,echo! To top things off I get so drunk I forget were I put my drum sticks and my with finds them 4 days later!!
More to come!!

Oh Snap Beer and Banana!!

Oh Snap, Wells Banana Bread Beer, it smells like a banana and tastes like a beer. My Wife and I love to have a beer and movie night. This one my wife says lets try a new beer, and then says it's got Bananas. Of course I'm thinking great  fruity beer. Oh Snap this beer was great, not too fruity, not to heavy,crisp and refreshing. Some beers go great with steak, some   would go great with a desert. This will can hold its on with both. this is a all a round good beer. This beer really makes me rethink fruit flavored beers.(Not ciders) The bottle says , that at one time beer was known as "liquid bread", well why not a banana bread beer!

4 Oh Snaps out of 5 get you some banana bread beer fool!

Oh Snap I'm a displaced Chicago Sports team fan!

Wow here I sit on the morning of Opening Day, thinking about how when my Dad was alive,  how many times did I come home from high school dad on the couch watching the Cubs, cussing about not hitting the numbers. I remember also thinking why the Cubs? I was born in Illinois but I was raised in Texas. I could remember thinking  The Astros would stomp them Dad.

I can't remember when it changed and I started cheering for the Cubs. I remember having internal battles cheering for the Rockets but wanting the Bulls to win. Hell I remember the " Super Bowl Shuffle"! I remember too thinking damn Warren Moon is going to be great!

What I can't remember is when i started cheering for only Chicago teams. It must be something breed into someone from Illinois because now I stick by my teams through it all. The good and the bad! Yeah I wish my Texas teams the best of luck but, there is really something about those Chicago teams that still to this day drive me wild!

Oh snap, to all my fantasy league mates yes I know I can't win with all Chicago players but I still think the one I pick or the best they have!

Go Cubs Go!

Oh Snap Sik O Vit strikes again!!

If you haven't gone to www.blogstar.com you are missing out on some of the best live shows and recorded mayhem around. From people like you! My buddy SikOVit has one of the best shows this week...commercial mayhem.

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.2021341&w=425&h=350&fv=shw_id%3D430%26epi_id%3D12019]
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