Oh Snap Beer and Banana!!

Oh Snap, Wells Banana Bread Beer, it smells like a banana and tastes like a beer. My Wife and I love to have a beer and movie night. This one my wife says lets try a new beer, and then says it's got Bananas. Of course I'm thinking great  fruity beer. Oh Snap this beer was great, not too fruity, not to heavy,crisp and refreshing. Some beers go great with steak, some   would go great with a desert. This will can hold its on with both. this is a all a round good beer. This beer really makes me rethink fruit flavored beers.(Not ciders) The bottle says , that at one time beer was known as "liquid bread", well why not a banana bread beer!

4 Oh Snaps out of 5 get you some banana bread beer fool!

Oh Snap Beer Review: Moe's Backroom Amber Ale

Well while watching opening baseball at home I had a chance to try the Moe's Backroom Amber Ale. This smooth refreshing ale is great with the hot dogs I was eating, trying to feel like I was at the game. The bottles look even adds to the teaste that you get with this beer! A 5 Oh Snaps out of 5!
This is my 1st post on my iPhone, I know I'm late to the game but I'm here and I'm going to have some fun with this!

Oh Snap ......Beer Review!!

Hi Alan Wade again, one of the last times you've seen me was when I tried to "shoot a red star " on a Heineken keg, while drinking beer. Now I'm not an expert on beer but I drink a lot of beers mostly imports or micro brews. While drunk sitting with my wife drinking yet an other beer I thought ,"Hey someone would like to know what I thought of the beers I've drank, right honey." Which she replied "Maybe?" So here are my thought, rants, and raves about the beer I had this weekend. Since I'm jobless and my wife gets paid once a month we'll cover a wide range of beers from cheap to damn we just got paid!! This weekend .....WE GOT PAID!!

Hoes in a gaarden!!?? Hoes in a gaarden!!??

Hoegaarden is a Belgian beer that calls itself "a naturally Cloudy Non-filtered White beer" whatever that means bottom line it tastes good, no after taste, I burped louder than my wife. (Yes, we compare) It reminded me of another beer "Blue Moon" which I'll review later. It has a spicy, orange flavor but not so orange I that I though I was drinking a fruity girlie beer. It did it's job too after the 3rd beer I was feeling alright and ready to mount Momma. (She says I had whisky dick but I think not!) over all I'd give it a "Oh Snap, Drink this shit down fool!!" or a A+

Next review Pyramid Apricot Ale!